Monday, May 31, 2010

a hope ...

a little footprint in the shore...
a small step towards the unknown..
a apprehensive journey... to know more and more..
a hope ...
a vision.. a belief.. more importantly... WE...
bring to me my faults let me learn ..
keep pushing me more and more..
lets the boundaries fade... lets believe in the impossible.....

DREAM !! Be-live and make it happen !!


  1. "Hope is life" and it really takes courage to have hope!

  2. hope for life..
    courage for hope...

    then what else does it mean
    COURAGE for LIFE...
    even the first breath needs the same...the breath of life under tears and pain..

  3. Do I hear pessimism in the last sentence...

    Well, "hope shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage."

  4. ahh!! so now hope is finite, measurable, quantifiable???
